文理学院(Liberal Arts Colleges)又称博雅学院或通识学院,是美国高校的重要种类之一。美国文理学院一般指以本科教育为主、规模小而精的大学。跟综合大学或专业技术院校不同,美国文理学院更注重全面的综合教育,强调发掘学生的思维潜能,很多文理学院的学术声誉并不亚于哈佛、耶鲁等综合性大学。
US News 将文理学院分类定义为着重本科教育,授予的学位至少有一半是文科和理科学位的高等教育机构。US News美国文理学院排名榜单是以包括录取学生的平均ACT/SAT分数、师生比例和毕业率等被广泛认同的15项学术质量指标进行评估,比较权威,让你可以一目了然地比较美国的文理学院,是同学们在选大学时一份不错的参考。
National Liberal Arts Colleges Rankings以下学校名字后带“*”号表示为公立大学,移民当地的小伙伴们如果选择入读本州公立学校学费会比较便宜,私立学校本州学生和外州学生的学费就没差别了。

1. Williams College(威廉姆斯学院),Williamstown, MA
2. Amherst College(艾姆赫斯特学院),Amherst, MA
3. Swarthmore College(斯沃斯莫尔学院),Swarthmore, PA
3. Wellesley College(卫斯理学院),Wellesley, MA
5. Pomona College(波莫纳学院),Claremont, CA
6. Bowdoin College(鲍登学院),Brunswick, ME
7. Carleton College(卡尔顿学院),Northfield, MN
7. Claremont McKenna College(克莱蒙特·麦肯纳学院),Claremont, CA
7. Middlebury College(明德学院),Middlebury, VT

10. Washington and Lee University(华盛顿与李大学),Lexington, VA
11. Colby College(科尔比学院),Waterville, ME
11. Haverford College(哈弗福德学院),Haverford, PA
11. Smith College(史密斯学院),Northampton, MA
14. Grinnell College(格林内尔学院),Grinnell, IA
14. Hamilton College(汉密尔顿学院),Clinton, NY
14. Vassar College(瓦萨学院),Poughkeepsie, NY
17. Colgate University(科尔盖特大学),Hamilton, NY
17. Davidson College(戴维森学院),Davidson, NC
17. United States Naval Academy(美国海军学院)*,Annapolis, MD
17. Wesleyan University(卫斯理大学),Middletown, CT

21. Bates College(贝茨学院),Lewiston, ME
21. United States Military Academy(美国军事学院/西点军校)*,West Point, NY
23. Harvey Mudd College(哈维穆德学院),Claremont, CA
23. University of Richmond(里士满大学),Richmond, VA
25. Barnard College(巴纳德学院),New York, NY
25. Macalester College(玛卡莱斯特学院),St. Paul, MN
27. Bryn Mawr College(布林茅尔学院),Bryn Mawr, PA
27. College of the Holy Cross(圣十字学院),Worcester, MA
27. Colorado College(科罗拉多学院),Colorado Springs, CO
27. Kenyon College(凯尼恩学院),Gambier, OH
27. Soka University of America(美国创价大学),Aliso Viejo, CA

32. Mount Holyoke College(曼荷莲学院),South Hadley, MA
33. Oberlin College(欧柏林学院),Oberlin, OH
33. Scripps College(斯克里普斯学院),Claremont, CA
35. Bucknell University(巴克内尔大学),Lewisburg, PA
35. Pitzer College(培泽学院),Claremont, CA
35. Thomas Aquinas College(托马斯阿奎那学院),Santa Paula, CA
38. Franklin and Marshall College(富兰克林·马歇尔学院),Lancaster, PA
39. Lafayette College(拉斐特学院),Easton, PA
39. Occidental College(西方学院),Los Angeles, CA
39. Skidmore College(斯基德莫尔学院),Saratoga Springs, NY

39. United States Air Force Academy(美国空军学院),USAF Academy, CO
43. Denison University,Granville, OH
43. The University of the South,Sewanee, TN
45. Union College,Schenectady, NY
46. Berea College,Berea, KY
46. Connecticut College,New London, CT
46. DePauw University,Greencastle, IN
46. Dickinson College,Carlisle, PA
46. Furman University,Greenville, SC
46. Trinity College,Hartford, CT

46. Whitman College,Walla Walla, WA
53. Centre College,Danville, KY
53. Gettysburg College,Gettysburg, PA
53. Rhodes College,Memphis, TN
53. Wabash College,Crawfordsville, IN
57. Spelman College,Atlanta, GA
58. Agnes Scott College,Decatur, GA
58. Lawrence University,Appleton, WI
58. St. Lawrence University,Canton, NY
58. Wheaton College,Wheaton, IL
62. Bard College,Annandale on Hudson, NY
62. St. Olaf College,Northfield, MN
64. Hillsdale College,Hillsdale, MI
64. St. John's College,Annapolis, MD
66. College of Wooster,Wooster, OH
66. Knox College,Galesburg, IL
68. Cornell College,Mount Vernon, IA
68. Reed College,Portland, OR
68. Sarah Lawrence College,Bronxville, NY
68. Willamette University,Salem, OR
72. Hobart and William Smith Colleges,Geneva, NY
72. Kalamazoo College,Kalamazoo, MI
72. Lewis & Clark College,Portland, OR
72. Muhlenberg College,Allentown, PA
72. St. John's College,Santa Fe, NM
72. Transylvania University,Lexington, KY
72. Virginia Military Institute*,Lexington, VA
72. Wofford College,Spartanburg, SC
80. Earlham College,Richmond, IN
80. Illinois Wesleyan University,Bloomington, IL
82. Allegheny College,Meadville, PA
82. Beloit College,Beloit, WI
82. College of St. Benedict,St. Joseph, MN
82. College of the Atlantic,Bar Harbor, ME
82. Juniata College,Huntingdon, PA
82. Ursinus College,Collegeville, PA
82. Wheaton College,Norton, MA
89. Bennington College,Bennington, VT
89. Gustavus Adolphus College,St. Peter, MN
89. University of Puget Sound,Tacoma, WA
92. Augustana College,Rock Island, IL
92. Hendrix College,Conway, AR
92. Lake Forest College,Lake Forest, IL
92. Ohio Wesleyan University,Delaware, OH
92. Southwestern University,Georgetown, TX
92. St. John's University,Collegeville, MN
92. St. Mary's College of Maryland*,St. Marys City, MD
92. Washington and Jefferson College,Washington, PA
100. Luther College,Decorah, IA
100. Principia College,Elsah, IL
102. Hollins University,Roanoke, VA
102. New College of Florida*,Sarasota, FL
102. Saint Mary's College,Notre Dame, IN
105. Elizabethtown College,Elizabethtown, PA
105. Hanover College,Hanover, IN
105. Hope College,Holland, MI
105. Ripon College,Ripon, WI
105. Washington College,Chestertown, MD
105. Whittier College,Whittier, CA
111. Goucher College,Baltimore, MD
111. Hampden-Sydney College,Hampden-Sydney, VA
111. Randolph-Macon College,Ashland, VA
114. Grove City College,Grove City, PA
114. St. Anselm College,Manchester, NH
114. Westminster College,New Wilmington, PA
117. Austin College,Sherman, TX
117. College of Idaho,Caldwell, ID
117. Drew University,Madison, NJ
117. Linfield College,McMinnville, OR
117. Lycoming College,Williamsport, PA
117. Susquehanna University,Selinsgrove, PA
117. Westmont College,Santa Barbara, CA
124. Houghton College,Houghton, NY
124. Millsaps College,Jackson, MS
124. Monmouth College,Monmouth, IL
124. St. Michael's College,Colchester, VT
124. Stonehill College,Easton, MA
124. Wells College,Aurora, NY
130. Coe College,Cedar Rapids, IA
130. Roanoke College,Salem, VA
132. Concordia College--Moorhead,Moorhead, MN
132. Randolph College,Lynchburg, VA
132. Saint Vincent College,Latrobe, PA
132. Salem College,Winston-Salem, NC
136. Illinois College,Jacksonville, IL
136. Marlboro College,Marlboro, VT
136. Moravian College,Bethlehem, PA
136. Simpson College,Indianola, IA
140. Albion College,Albion, MI
140. Birmingham-Southern College,Birmingham, AL
140. Eckerd College,St. Petersburg, FL
140. Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts*,North Adams, MA
140. Presbyterian College,Clinton, SC
145. Franklin College,Franklin, IN
145. St. Norbert College,De Pere, WI
145. Wesleyan College,Macon, GA
148. Covenant College,Lookout Mountain, GA
148. Emory and Henry College,Emory, VA
148. Meredith College,Raleigh, NC
148. University of Minnesota--Morris*,Morris, MN
148. University of North Carolina--Asheville*,Asheville, NC
148. Wartburg College,Waverly, IA
154. Guilford College,Greensboro, NC
154. Morehouse College,Atlanta, GA
154. Sweet Briar College,Sweet Briar, VA
157. Centenary College of Louisiana,Shreveport, LA
157. Georgetown College,Georgetown, KY
157. Westminster College,Fulton, MO
160. Central College,Pella, IA
160. Hartwick College,Oneonta, NY
160. Warren Wilson College,Asheville, NC
160. Wittenberg University,Springfield, OH