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1. 结合原文和大量例句看别人是怎么用的(这个过程叫“输入”)
p.s. 例句不要只看1个,否则自己还是学不到在【不同的语境中】该词的用法,这也是我会一个单词配好几个例句的原因
2. 自己造句(这个过程叫“输出”),通过造句,你就“逼”自己不得不思考“我可以把这个词用在哪呢?”“用的时候要注意什么?”等等问题,你在【主动学习】,那以后在口语或写作中,你当然就可以自然而然地用出来了,不需要在“用词”上烦恼了,只需要focus在你口语/写作的“内容”上,这才是核心,所以,记得完成页面底部的“趁热打铁”部分,要学就学透了,要学就追求高质量!

原 文 泛 读优步科技宣布,它将收购智利、墨西哥以及最近在秘鲁和加拿大领先的在线杂货供应商Cornershop的多数股权。根据监管部门的批准,该投资预计将于2020年初完成。
Check it yourself!
读外刊 · 看世界
Uber To Buy Latin American Online Grocery Delivery Service, Cornershop

Uber is getting into the grocery delivery business, at least in Mexico, Chile, Peru and Canada.
Uber announced on Friday that it's adding grocery delivery to its growing list of services, buying a majority stake in a Latin American online grocery provider called Cornershop.
Details of the agreement were not disclosed, but Uber said the deal is expected to be completed early next year.
Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said he plans to bring the grocery delivery service within their own platform, sharing a GIF on Twitter about how to find and use Cornershop on the Uber app.
"Whether it's getting a ride, ordering food from your favorite restaurant, or soon, getting groceries delivered, we want Uber to be the operating system for your everyday life," Khosrowshahi said in the announcement.
Khosrowshahi did not say whether the online grocery service would be expanded to the United States.
The move comes at a time when competition in the online grocery market is revving up. Walmart just yesterday announced a new deal for grocery delivery in Canada with Cornershop, using the Cornershop app.
Earlier this year, Walmart tried to buy Cornershop for $225 million, but Mexican antitrust officials blocked the deal.
As with other large tech companies, Uber has grown far beyond its origins as a ride-hailing service. It already took a step in the food delivery business through Uber Eats, which has proved to be expensive for the company.
Earlier this month, the company launched Uber Works in Chicago, an app that connects gig workers with employers looking for temporary staff. Uber also has invested in electric scooters, shipping and aerial ridesharing with helicopters, which is still in the works.
Uber continues to expand despite struggling to make a profit. Uber's contractor-based business model is also under pressure from a California law passed in September, that would force drivers to be classified as employees.
Len Sherman, an adjunct professor of business at Columbia Business School, said the announcement is yet another example of Uber trying to find new ways to engage customers despite having what he said is a broken business model.
Sherman said Uber should fix its core business — ridesharing — before expanding.
Once Uber acquires Cornershop, the grocery service will maintain its leadership and report to a board with majority Uber representation.
Cornershop was founded in 2015 and delivers groceries in Chile, Mexico, Peru and Canada. Oskar Hjertonsson, founder and CEO of Cornershop, said he hopes to bring the service to more markets around the world.

词 汇 卡 片1. rev up [rev]
to become more active, or to make someone or something become more active
- The hotel is revving up for the busy summer season.
- drugs which rev up your nervous system
- Now he plans to rev up publicity with a regional media campaign.
2. as with
- As with all human bahaviour, there are numerous reasons for conflicts.
3. gig workers
What is a gig worker?

4. scooter [?sku?.t?(r)] CN
a child's vehicle with two or three small wheels joined to the bottom of a narrow board and a long vertical handle attached to the front wheel. It is ridden by standing with one foot on the board and pushing against the ground with the other foot.
5. in the works
in the process of being prepared, developed, or completed
- Her next movie is already in the works.
- Plans are in the works for building three new schools in the area.
6. adjunct [??d?.??kt] CN
something added or connected to a larger or more important thing
- I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
- The memory expansion cards are useful adjuncts to the computer.
1. 表达“是......的附件”时,要在该词后加介词to
2. 本文中的adjunct professor指“副教授”
7. engage [?n?ɡe?d?] vt.
to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it
- The debate about food safety has engaged the whole nation.
- If a book doesn't engage my interest in the first few pages, I don't usually continue reading it.

语法/长难句分析Earlier this month, the company launched Uber Works in Chicago, an app that connects gig workers with employers looking for temporary staff.
1. 整句话的主干是什么?
2. 加粗的成分是什么?其内部结构是什么?
Earlier this month, the company launched Uber Works in Chicago
1. an app...是Uber Works的同位语,解释Uber Works是什么东东
2. that...是定语从句修饰an app,that指代an app,在从句中作主语
3. looking...是现在分词作后置定语修饰employers,相当于一个定语从句:who are looking for temporary staff

趁 热 打 铁任选上面7个词中的1个造句,下方评论告诉我哦,会一一回复哒~

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