
When it comes to France, many thoughts flash through our mind: Parisians’ exquisite makeup, graceful posture; the majestic momentum of the Arc de Triomphe; the lofty glass pyramid of the Louvre; the evening cruise on the Seine. These may also be the impression that the French classical decoration style leaves us. The French classical style is one of the perfect interpretations of elegance and massiness, classical and trend, solemnity and uninhibitedness.The designer wanted to reflect this classic aesthetic by means of a brand-new design, taking into account both the traditional style and the most popular topics nowadays. The family members were set up as a former sculptor husband, a wildlife conservation international organization member wife, with their lovely 10-year-old daughter.


The first floor plan underwent a major reform: the north bedroom was cancelled and incorporated into the living and dining space. The living and dining area thus could be expanded into an open space. The windows on the south side could be extended, and the indoor and outdoor boundaries could be weakened, making it easy to enjoy the view of the courtyard. The kitchen was not only a place to make food, but also where the host and hostess to make life interesting. The designer put the kitchen at the end of the dining room, giving it an almost "extravagant" size. It can meet various cooking needs. The southern corner of the living room provided a space for reading so that they can feel the light stroke of the sunshine and the beautiful view outside the window. The materials used for the decoration were extremely exquisite: modern straight-grained white marble, grey wall panels, a white stone-engraved fireplace, etc. The designer enriched the gray main tone through the introduction of more subtle colors in the furniture and accessories. The repetitive of sculptural furniture in the space, some bird-shape accessories represented their profession and interest and metaphor for a love nest.


The designer adjusted the layout of the second floor from three perspectives: the privacy of the hosts, the scale of the living space, and the complete function of the bedroom. The entrance of the bedroom was moved inwards, thus the staircase became complete, giving a more comfortable buffer area between the floors. The designer added a channel to connect the walk-in-closet and the master bathroom. Living, working and recreation functions were integrated in the master bedroom. Instead of traditional furniture layout, the design chose to place a bookcase in the TV area and the nearby sofas and desk were skillfully combined. The bed was carefully selected to echo the moldings on the white ceiling.


The basement was lack of natural lighting. The designer put the entertainment area here, taking advantage of the illumination to make this space appear more characteristic. The light-colored straight grain marble was re-interpreted into geometric mosaic patterns. Dark wall paper and black acrylic materials wrapped up the wall. The structural column that could not be removed was a delicate touch, making this area quirky and interesting. The pair of burgundy sofas looked like red lips in the dark, adding a bit of sexy appeal to the space.





致敬时代浪潮下的筑梦者 ■ No.001莫干山语:朱育帆、宋照青、袁欣、刘建辉■ No.002取舍中的美学传承:张兆强
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