主持人 | 简福疆
凤凰财经日报(英语:Phoenix Business Daily),是凤凰卫视资讯台的一档财经类节目,其原名为《股市风向标》,2011年开播,2014年起改名为《凤凰财经日报》,主持人为简福疆,周佳虹亦会代班主持。节目精选当天最瞩目的时事议题,内容涵盖财经以及不同界别的重要新闻,并广邀各方专家、财经名人、网络红人等进行连线点评,提供独到精辟的见解。另外亦会就重要议题进行民调,向观众提供全方位的新闻视觉,率先把握时局带来的机遇。
Presenter : Jason Chien, Belle Chou
Finance is much more than the sum of a string of data. It involves a vast amount of information, including politics, social affairs and technology, to name but a few.
It is obvious that financial trends are not only reflected in financial news. Headlines of all kinds across the globe can have an impact on the financial world whether directly or not. A comprehensive understanding of how it works is key to grabbing the opportunities as they arise.
So how can we decode the multifarious messages in the information age in order to get ahead of the rest?
Phoenix Financial Daily Report aims to help audience figure out the financial clues from a choice selection of the hottest news of the day. The show also links up with financial gurus, web celebs and experts from related fields to offer their profound insights. Presenting the latest figures and conducting public surveys on important topics, Phoenix Financial Daily Report generates a sweeping view on the trends that will bring you unique investment opportunity.