主持人 | 石齐平
石齐平,祖籍浙江,1946年8月15日出生于台北,毕业于国立台湾大学经济系及研究所。曾任海基会首任副秘书长,台湾当局“经建会”参事。现任凤凰卫视财经评论员,《石评大财经》节目常任主持,《金石财经》节目首席评论员,《商业周刊》主笔,香港中文大学亚太研究所研究员,香港大学专业进修学院客座教授。著有《经济现代化之路》《经济中国——二十一世纪中国的展望》《中国·大趋势 大革命》等著作十余部。 善于对世界范围内的政治、经济形势作综合分析,及对全球宏观经济的研究。
Presenter : Shih Chi Ping
Shih Chi Ping, known for his unassuming style, is a well-read and knowledgeable commentator who is very serious about his works. He does extensive research regularly to make sure he delivers his best in his Thursday program.
Mr. Shih has been honing his skills for years to bring you first-hand summaries, sift through financial news generated from the Greater China and the world. That includes reading many published reports and providing earnest viewers insightful direction and updates in China and round the world. The program provides a backdrop for the volatile financial market.
Working with professionals during the program, Shih assumes an insightful role to produce ‘AAA’ overviews on the weekly market issues.
Shih has the reputable added-value to the program of working as the Deputy Secretary of reputable Straits Exchange Foundation and Senior Executive Officer of Council for Economic Planning and Development of Taiwan in the past.
Feedback on the internet, “Master Shih has a clear head and extensive knowledge, his concise comments are convincing and unbiased. His rich experiences from the past earn him high respect and popularity.”