Brussels bans Broadcom’s exclusive deals pending antitrust investigation
JAVIER ESPINOZA — BRUSSELS, Financial Times, Oct.17th 翻译:凤梨是只胖柯基校阅:Yates图源:网络,版权归原作者所有,侵删

The EU has ordered US chipmaker Broadcom to suspend its exclusive deals with six television and modem manufacturers while it investigates whether they are anti-competitive.欧盟(EU)已下令美国芯片制造商博通(Broadcom)暂停与欧洲6家电视和调制解调器制造商的独家协议,同时调查它们的行为是否反竞争。
The move to apply so-called “interim measures”, which stop companies from engaging in suspected anti-competitive behaviour before the outcome of an investigation, is part of a new approach to regulation by Margrethe Vestager, the EU’s competition commissioner.欧盟竞争事务专员玛格丽特?韦斯塔格尔(Margrethe Vestager)采取了一种新的监管方式,其中包括采取所谓的“临时措施”,即在调查结果出炉前阻止企业从事涉嫌反竞争的行为。

The chipmaker must now pause its deals for three years or until Brussels finishes its probe, a process that could also take years.这家芯片制造商现在必须暂停在欧洲的交易3年,或直至欧盟完成调查,这一过程可能也需要数年时间。
Ms Vestager has acknowledged that her previous approach of fining Big Tech companies billions of dollars had often done little to restore competition because the remedies arrived long after companies had already vanquished rivals and built entrenched positions.韦斯塔格尔承认,她之前对大型科技公司处以数十亿美元罚款的做法,往往无助于恢复竞争,因为补救措施来得太晚,而这些公司早已击败了竞争对手,确立了其稳固的地位。

The move against Broadcom is the first use of interim measures in almost two decades. Campaigners have long pushed for the European Commission to apply them to Google.针对博通(Broadcom)的行动是近20年来首次使用临时措施。活动家们长期以来一直在推动欧盟委员会将其应用于谷歌。
Ms Vestager said that “at first sight” her department had “strong indications” that Broadcom was “engaging in anti-competitive practices”. She said some Broadcom deals were likely to “strengthen” the company’s position and might lead to “irreparable harm” against rivals. She added that by ordering Broadcom to halt its behaviour, the EU wanted to avoid “severe negative effects” for competitors.韦斯塔格尔表示,“乍一看”,她的部门就发现了“强烈的迹象”表明博通“从事了反竞争行为”。她表示,博通的一些交易可能会“加强”自己的地位,并可能对竞争对手造成“无法弥补的伤害”。她补充称,欧盟要求博通停止这种行为,是为了避免对竞争对手造成“严重的负面影响”。

Broadcom rejected the commission’s claims and said it would appeal against the decision through the European courts. In the meantime, Broadcom will comply with the order.
If the commission’s application of interim measures survives scrutiny in the European courts, it is expected to use the tool against other Silicon Valley companies.如果欧盟委员会这招“临时措施”的适用性经受住了欧洲法庭的审查,预计它将对其它硅谷的其他公司使用这一措施。

Ms Vestager, who will start a rare second five-year term in December, has the dual role of competition commissioner and the EU’s lead on digital policy.
She said the move against Broadcom was not a sign that her department had other cases “lined up” for the use of interim measures. “But it means that the tool is on the table,” she said.她表示,针对博通的行动并不意味着,她的部门还有其它案件需要“准备”采取临时措施。“但这意味着措施已经就位,”她说。

Her aggressive approach towards competition has drawn sharp criticism from President Donald Trump, who accused her of “hating” the US and described her as “perhaps worse than any person I’ve ever met”.韦斯塔格尔在竞争中咄咄逼人的态度招致了唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)总统的尖锐批评,他指责她“憎恨”美国,称她“可能是我见过的最糟糕的人”。
