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British and European Union officials say they have reached a deal on amended terms for Britain's withdrawal from the EU.英国和欧盟官员表示,他们已经就英国退出欧盟的修改条款达成协议。The deal was announced Thursday, more than three years after Britons voted to leave the 28-member union.这项协议是在星期四宣布的。三年多以前,英国人投票决定脱离这个有28个成员国的联盟。British Prime Minister Boris Johnson must win a vote in parliament to get the agreement approved.英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊必须赢得议会的投票才能使该协议获得通过。"We have a great new Brexit deal," Johnson said.约翰逊说:“我们达成了一项伟大的新脱欧协议。”Politicians and the media have been using the term Brexit for the proposed withdrawal.政客和媒体一直在用Brexit这个词来指代拟议中的退欧。European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker also expressed satisfaction with the agreement.欧盟委员会主席容克也对这项协议表示满意。"It is high time to complete the divorce process and move on, as swiftly as possible, to the negotiation on the European Union's future partnership with the United Kingdom (UK)," Juncker said in a letter.容克在一封信中说:“现在是结束"离婚"程序的时候了,我们应该尽快就欧盟与英国未来的伙伴关系展开谈判。”"Where there is a will there is a deal - we have one!" he wrote on the social networking service Twitter.他在社交网络服务Twitter上写道:“哪里有意愿,哪里就有交易——我们有!”"It's a fair and balanced agreement for the EU and the UK and it is a testament to our commitment to find solutions."“对于欧盟和英国来说,这是一个公平和平衡的协议,也是我们致力于寻找解决方案的证明。”His tweet appeared before the start of an EU meeting in Brussels.他的推文是在布鲁塞尔欧盟会议开始之前发布的。Johnson must now secure approval for the amended deal in a special session of parliament on Saturday.约翰逊现在必须在周六的议会特别会议上确保修改后的协议获得批准。If approved, the agreement would lead to an orderly withdrawal from the EU on October 31.如果获得批准,该协议将让英国在10月31日有序退出欧盟。Johnson had threatened to take Britain out of the EU at the end of the month with or without a deal.约翰逊曾威胁说,无论是否达成协议,英国都将在本月底退出欧盟。Many people worried a no-deal Brexit would cause serious damage to the British economy.许多人担心,未达成协议的英国退欧将对英国经济造成严重损害。The head of Britain's main opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, said he was "unhappy" with the deal and would vote against it.英国主要反对党工党领袖杰里米?科尔宾表示,他对该协议“不满意”,将投反对票。Lawmakers in his party said they had been told to support calls for a special referendum when they meet on Saturday.他所在政党的议员们表示,他们被告知,周六开会时,要支持举行特别公投的呼吁。A new nationwide vote would reopen the decision to leave the EU.新一轮全国投票将重新开启脱欧决定。For the agreement to be approved, Johnson needs the backing of the Northern Irish Democratic Union Party, or DUP.为了让这项协议得以通过,约翰逊需要北爱尔兰民主联盟党(DUP)的支持。The party has said it will not support the deal.该党表示不会支持该协议。The most difficult part of any Brexit agreement has been the question of the border between Ireland and the British province of Northern Ireland.任何脱欧协议中最困难的部分都是爱尔兰和英国北爱尔兰之间的边界问题。The border is now completely open.边境现在完全开放了。The problem was how to keep it open once Britain leaves the EU.问题是一旦英国离开欧盟,如何保持开放。Setting up border checkpoints, many feared, would endanger the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, which ended years of conflict in Northern Ireland.许多人担心,设立边境检查站将危及1998年《受难节协议》。该协议结束了北爱尔兰多年的冲突。Leaving the border open would undermine Britain's desire to control trade agreements.开放边境将削弱英国控制贸易协定的愿望。Negotiators worked this week to find a compromise on the question of the Irish border.谈判代表们本周努力就爱尔兰边境问题达成妥协。The amended agreement reached would keep Northern Ireland in the UK trade area.经修订的协议将使北爱尔兰保留在英国的贸易区内。Tariffs will be placed on goods crossing from mainland Britain to Northern Ireland if they are going to Ireland or other EU member states.从英国大陆到北爱尔兰的货物如果运往爱尔兰或其他欧盟成员国,将被征收关税。However, the Democratic Unionist Party said the new wording was not acceptable.然而,民主统一党表示,新的措辞是不可接受的。The party supports Johnson's government.该党支持约翰逊政府。The prime minister has no majority in the 650-seat parliament.首相在650个议会席位中没占有多数席位。The Reuters news agency notes that he needs at least 318 votes to get a deal approved.路透社指出,他需要至少318票才能使协议获得批准。I'm Susan Shand.我是苏珊·尚德。

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